Bitwise Operations on your Fingers

I wrote about a method I came up with to do bitwise operations on your fingers on I found it helpful in understanding low-level computing math. Feel free to share with computer science students and anyone else you feel could benefit.

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O'Reilly Blog Post - Solving Software Problems

I wrote a post for O’Reilly’s blog about the problem-solving process. It’s grown out of some ideas I’ve been mulling over for a while, and is an attempt to articulate a key skill that everyone knows we need, but we are rarely taught directly.

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Weight Machines are the PHP of Strength Training

This is a post about PHP, but it is not a post about whether PHP is an Objectively Good or Bad Language. Enough has been written on that, and I don’t think I have much to add. Instead, it’s a post on how our experiences with a tool shape our opinions on that tool.

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